Year: 2024


His word is not the school board, but the secret party.

The baby fat girl rang the bell. "The secret party suffered huge losses, which may be that the great cause of killing dragons fell short." Even the man who always plays peacemaker’s sport rings the bell and sighs, "Principal, you…


The whole fresh-keeping area is the second largest building in Rowen, which occupies three quarters of the total area.

However, Fang Ning felt that with the increasing demand for various materials, these area estimates were not enough, and it was necessary to spend experience and expansion. He thought about how much this warehouse can handle, and then he became…


Even many birds will be dragged by a strange energy when passing through this place from a high place and become a wreck in this famous wind valley.

Some powerful creatures also want to explore here, but they don’t get anything to say, and they are eroded by strange energy. In the end, no other creatures dare to take risks. Decades passed quickly, but a group of ordinary…


"That monster is a parasitic monster in the thick fog. Its strength is good, but its appearance is too ugly and disgusting."

"So I don’t want to receive it, but it is really a good fighting force." Ksenya Goryachova Camilla is a tangled look. Through Ksenya Goryachova Camilla’s description of Heaven, we also know that what Ksenya Goryachova Camilla said is the…


When it comes to extreme measures, Gong Sunqi, Shukaku, consciously touched his ass with his hands, and his huge tail also protected the fifteenth day of the month. Obviously he was afraid.

As soon as Shukaku coughed, he said, "Can you make progress with your extreme methods? Don’t confront the animals head-on, just think about those extreme methods. In case you encounter intelligent animals or people who give you the opportunity to…


No matter how terrible the annihilation storm is, it can’t catch up with their clothes.

Soon the trial battle broke out one after another. A roar resounded through the whole test site, and the turbulence seemed to have been shaken. Several roots are like tentacles stretching out from a point and spreading rapidly around, one…


Can you go to the imperial city for further study? There are already several students in your heart who have arranged for most people to go after graduation … "

Talk about Kan Kan in the classroom. Some students want to have a try when they hear a quota. These students’ real families are generally not informed before. But most people already know where they belong and can envy looking…



天听到嫦娥话后才想起一件事来 这个世界嫦娥原剧情里最后结局是被刘沉香给逼疯了 这个结局被嫦娥这个大喷得知她能善罢甘休才怪 《西游记后》世界黑莲网络刚建立时候嫦娥就把哪吒气得差点顺着网线去打人 对于嫦娥心胸天是相当了解 “阿娥帮我做一件事” 天面对嫦娥时倒是一点都不客气 他和嫦娥交情也确实不需要这么客气 “你说!”嫦娥表现十分爽快 她自认和天义气深重肝胆相照现天有事要她做她自然不会推托 天冷酷情道“帮我把那几个领赏钱乞丐都杀了” “好!” 嫦娥想都不想就一口应 刘沉香看到嫦娥竟然是这样表现当即有些警惕问起来“嫦娥姨母你是不是中了二郎神邪术?” 三圣母也是紧张看着嫦娥“嫦娥姐姐你怎么了?” 虽然杨戬现已经废了但是他毕竟曾是司法天神乃是天庭第一战神刘沉香和三圣母很清楚前杨戬究竟有多么可怕 “我前没有告诉过你们我和杨戬实是肝胆相照义气相投交好友” 嫦娥抿嘴笑笑感觉众位天神惊讶表情都特别有趣 说完嫦娥又看向那几个拿了赏钱乞丐平静道“他既然了尊口你们是活不去了” With a wave of her hand, Chang ‘e raised her hand. The beggars suddenly turned into a few walking corpses. As…


He naively called to see that it was Zheng Dao.

"From the words and deeds of that woman just now, I am afraid that people in the world have long planned to completely colonize us. They specially trained Chinese before they came, which is obviously convenient for future rule." "Well,…